In the gambling games, no matter online or live, the word cheating is very often used and definitely has made its way through. Of course, the poker games are not exceptions. What should preoccupy the players is the fact that nowadays the tricks used by the cheaters are some sort of combination that includes the old and the new tricks, as well. Thus, the systems used are very complicated, even undetectable.
A Cheating Device
Since most Internet game sites rely on computers, the cheating devices are very often used and have become one of the most adequate methods to win poker games. No matter what the location of the cheater is, he or she can see everything that takes place inside and beyond the game area, players’ cards make no exception. The cheating devices give a great opportunity for the cheater to manipulate the game. Some of the most dangerous online cheaters are the so called computer wizards. What they do is penetrate the electronic security system of internet poker rooms.
And the truth is that nowadays anyone can have cheating devices, as they are distributed online. There are systems that can not only brake the security systems into casinos, but are also impossible to detect. And you can find many of those on the Internet.
Anyone can cheat, anyone can win at poker. There are many stories about people caught cheating by using incredible cheating devices. One of them tells about a poker cheater that have been caught into one of the mos famous casinos in Europe. The gambler have been recorded by the video cameras of the casino while cheating with a small hidden camera in a pack of cigarettes. The signal from the camera was sent to the gambler’s partner outside the casino, who after working on the received images send them back to the player through a headset device. That is how the cheater knew the cards of the dealer the whole time. So, it turns out that with a little help of a small hidden camera you can be a winner.
But winning thousands everyday, without losing a hand…. it is normal that you will sooner or later become suspicious. For the security was clear that there is something wrong and with a girl’s help they caught the cheater. One of the waitresses just touched the cigarette pack, while offering a drink, and the gambler got pissed off. Right after he put the pack on the table again.
The cheaters, of course, are attracted and involved in games with really big pot prizes. So, it is more likely to meet them in poker games where the pots are extreme, as the small wins and prizes doesn’t attract them.