Texas Hold'em Scanner System (Poker Analyzer)
This Scanning System is developed for one of the most famous poker games in the world – Texas Hold’Em.
Our Texas Hold'em Scanner System is operated by only one person and is the best and the most advanced device in predicting the hands of Texas Hold’Em. Using this Scanning System, you will be able to know the winners(the first and the second one) and even the rank of all the players, through stealth earpieces that will transmit you the information needed.
Without any help from a computer or partner, you will know the outcome of the game, and the accuracy is 100% guaranteed.
Nokia, Samsung, or Sony Ericsson are suitable cell phones. The other things needed are mini-earpieces and marked cards.
Game details
Texas Hold'em analysis program uses only 52 cards. The joker card is not used here.
The game starts when each player deals two cards (the Hole cards). These cards are with their face down and are unique for each player. Then there are the five community cards with their face-up, and these are placed by the dealer. The community cards form the so-called series of three ("the flop"), and there are two additional single cards ("the turn" and "the river").
The first round of betting is called "pre-flop" (preflop). It always begins with the player to the left of the big blind(or left of the dealer) and continues clockwise. It continues until every player has folded, or raised, or called.
When the dealer opens three of the community cards, starts the second betting round (the flop). Again, the player to the left of the big blind is the first one to make a bet. In this round there is also a possibility for the first player not to bet – this is called check(the player can wait, without betting). If the first player decides not to bet, then the second player can also check, and so on. If a player makes a bet, then the others have to raise, or fold, or call. The round continues until all the players fold (in this case the round is won by the last player left), or until all the players pay (in this case the game continues in round three).
Before the next round, the dealer opens another of the five community cards. It is the fourth card, called the Turn. Then begins the betting. In the final round, the last community card (the River) is opened. And after the last round of betting, the players have to show their cards (the Showdown). The player who has the highest combination of cards, wins the game.
Burn cards
Before putting the three community cards (the Flop), respectively the forth (the Turn card), and the fifth (the River card) on the table, the dealer puts one of the cards away (this is the so-called Burn card). Because of this burn, players who are betting cannot see the back of the next community card to come. That is done to avoid any possibility of a player knowing in advance the next card to be dealt with due to it being marked.

Product details
The original product uses the English language.
And according to our customers all over the world, in order to provide the system in different languages: English, French, Russian, German, Japanese, Turkish, Portuguese, Romanian, etc., there is a necessity to change the original chip. This is the only way to change the language.
So, please order this product in advance, in case you need it in a different language.
Texas Hold'em Analyzer List:
- model 305 wireless stealth earpieces (providing the clear voice);
- setting panel with a screen (in order to adjust the number of the players and the game mode);
- micro-computer (size 80mm*65mm, power switch, port);
- video output device (can be connected to a computer and can check the location of the marked cards);
- speaker for testing voice;
- 2400mah Li-battery (4-8 hours);
- 20 decks of plastic cards (free processed and customized);
- manual in English (other languages are also available)